LINC 2016

Dabas » HUNGARYmap27.09.-29.09.2016calendar

Theoretical workshop

The participants will work in 5 predefined groups according to the topics chosen in registration forms. All the topics are linked to rural development and have connections to the issues previously learned during the project visits.

After a short, keynote speech by the supervisors, processing of different kinds of issues will follow in each group.

At each group there will be a supervisor and a moderator, and the participants of the thematic groups will be working with World Café method.

Results, suggestions and conclusions gathered by the thematic groups will be summarized in a plenary form as well, so that everybody can have the access to important information listed in different groups.

We kindly ask you to choose a workshop topic that may be important for you during the registration session. We ask participants from the same organization to register to different groups.

The venue of the workshop is Sarlóspuszta Club Hotel, where the entire program of 29th September will be organized. We ask those participants, who do not stay at this hotel to bring their sport equipment with themselves as the bus will go back to external accommodations only at midnight. 

Workshop topics:

  1. Community values – LEADER’s aspect of social capital
  2. Agriculture and innovation
  3. Inclusion of disadvantaged groups into the LEADER program
  4. Climate change and  power management programs in LEADER areas
  5. International cooperation
  6. Visegrad Corner